Aquilant Advisors fees are always disclosed clearly and we make sure you understand all fees on associated with managing your accounts.
The majority of our compensation is paid for managing portfolios in which clients give us trading discretion. Annualized fees are on a sliding scale based on the total amount of your family’s assets under Aquilant’s management.
In the last decade, clients more often choose to pay for our advice based on the amount of assets we manage for their family, but Aquilant Advisors professionals are allowed to be paid commissions on transactions when you buy or sell securities. Clients who are transferring existing accounts to Aquilant may find less costly over the long run to pay a commission instead of an ongoing AUM fee.
Ethics. All Aquilant Advisors professionals are fiduciaries pledged to act in your best interest when you engage us to manage your assets under the AUM fee schedule. When conducting securities sales transactions on a commission, a lesser standard applies to our obligation under the law.
All Aquilant Advisors professionals are regulated by the Missouri Department of Insurance, Financial Institutions and Professional Registration.